Blog Post

Draw Maps, Leave Blanks

  • By keithstetson
  • 05 Jun, 2017
I think it might be game designer heresy to say it now, but there are a lot of amazing things in Dungeon World. One of my favorites is the command to “Draw maps, leave blanks.” At first this seemed counter intuitive to me. If I have a map, I want a map. Full stop, no […]
I think it might be game designer heresy to say it now, but there are a lot of amazing things in Dungeon World . One of my favorites is the command to “Draw maps, leave blanks.” At first this seemed counter intuitive to me. If I have a map, I want a map. Full stop, no blanks. But usually, I don’t want a map. I don’t want it predetermined what lies to the East because then I cannot serve the needs of the story as it stands whenever the characters head East. I felt that maps are remnants of old school dungeon crawl games where the GM is god and everything is pre-planned according to their desires.
But those blanks, those blanks are the key. Those blanks are the “play to find out” of maps. Sure, maybe the map already says that the Khanate of the Emerald Shroud is to the East, but there are still infinite possibilities for what that means for the story. What’s the Khan and his people’s relationship with the PCs? What opportunities and difficulties will that present? And what even is an Emerald Shroud?
Some friends and I ran a LongCon using the Dungeon World rules and this sort of map making proved an invaluable tool. Whenever I needed inspiration I would turn back to the map and think of where the characters might be and what else might be there, or what might really be there despite what the map says. It led to some of the best moments of the weekend, including a druid shapeshifting into a panther and consuming the ancient spirits flooding the Intersection of the Five Paths.
I think this usefulness speaks to a larger pattern of an evocative framework with alluring voids. We see this all the time in writing, especially in poetry. Constraints hold the form, but blanks allow for possibility.
One great example of this is the game that taught me that GMing can be as fun (or more!) than playing: Lady Blackbird. The goblins aren’t described. The magic isn’t outlined. And perhaps most of all, the infamous pirate Uriah Flint is largely undescribed. But we know there are goblins and there is magic and Uriah Flint most certainly is infamous. There is a map, but John Harper has left us blanks. Much like my Dungeon World map, if I am stuck for inspiration I can look to a clue included and let my mind wander. I find that my most exciting work comes from having this sort of creative constraint.
Map from Dyson Logos.
By Keith Stetson May 14, 2024
God's Gonna Cut You Down has been featured on Paul Bleakley's incredible Indie Game Reading Club. Paul took the game through its paces and created a beautiful example of play. He also turned his analytical mind to the workings of the game and made some very good points about the game's inspiration and its play. Check it out!
By Keith Stetson October 23, 2018
Over the weekend I had the good fortune to be a guest at Gauntlet Con 2018, the annual (and perhaps soon twice annual!) virtual convention run by the fine folks at the Gauntlet community (if you don't know about the Gauntlet yet, you've got some research to do). I ran Seco Creek, as I am wont to do. It was a super fun, if atypical playthrough. Our John Gammon couldn't make it, and I'd never run for that particular mix of four PCs before. We also had two former lovers in the mix - a new record! I think the tone ended up being a little lighter than usual, but I certainly wouldn't call the ending happy. Check it out for yourself!  
By Keith Stetson July 13, 2018

If you know me, you likely know I love Epidiah Ravachol’s sword and sorcery RPG Swords Without Master and have run and played it dozens of times. Based on a suggestion by Michael Miller, I decided to take my relationship with Swords to the next level and run three interconnected sessions of if at the recently concluded Dexcon. My pitch was as follows:

Swords Without Master; "Anthology" by Dig a Thousand Holes Publishing; presented by Keith Stetson. An INDEPENDENTLY PUBLISHED GAME - Part of the Indie Games Explosion! Sundered from us by gulfs of time and stranger dimensions dream ancient worlds and ancient tales. Take up sword and staff, pen and ink, and inscribe your own tale in the Anthology. These stories written on air will be composed by us over a series of three linked gaming sessions. Play one session to play a short story; play them all for the full Anthology.

While we did roll Jovial several times, Glum predominated as I detail in my after action report.

  • Problems with players getting into multiple sessions.

Each of my three sessions of Swords had four seats at the table. My ideal set-up would have been two folks who played in all three games, one person who played in two, and four folks who popped into one game each. What I had in actuality was one person in two sessions and ten folks who played one game each. Not even close.

Part of this issue arose from the fact I didn’t flag explicitly enough in the description that this was a continuing game. I said it clearly, but the way folks read these descriptions you have to shout. The problem with that is if I shouted too loudly, people would think it was an all or nothing affair, which is leaning too far in the other direction.

Another part of this issue arose from how Double Exposure cons do their scheduling. It’s unique, and quixotic, and well discussed elsewhere. Suffice to say, I had several folks come up to me and say “I signed up for all your sessions and only got into one,” and suchlike.

This situation didn’t hurt our story too much; after all, it was conceived as an anthology. The main problem with how this worked out is I had to teach the game in depth at every session. For a game like Swords that has a serious learning curve, this was draining. Added to the other draining factors (see next bullet point), and I left the con properly soured on Swords. I know, me soured, what?

  • Teaching, then re-teaching, then re-re-teaching...

My paying job is as special education teacher, so I definitely understand that re-teaching is going to be required when any novel concept is presented. What I didn’t understand was that (1) I would have to do more initial teaching than expected (see above) and (2) some folks would be resistant to learning.

I mentioned above there were several draining factors to the Anthology, and the second major one was the players who weren’t playing by the rules. I don’t mean that they were cheating necessarily, just that they couldn’t - or wouldn’t - abide by Swords’ strict narration guidelines. By this I mean taking definitive action and narrating for characters other than their Rogue without tossing the dice, as well as inserting enough slipping and struggling to take chunks of time from the spotlight player. Some folks needed a gentle reminder to not do this; others didn’t stop.

There was a domino factor to this, where folks realized that they weren’t going to get the dice again for a while and when they did they’d be spoken over, so they hung on to narration as long as they could. The only rational response to that for other Rogues was to do that same, and we ended up in a narration escalation. The third game of the con lasted for four and a half hours. We weren’t aiming for speedruns, but I was hopeful to get two tales in a slot, or at least head to the bar early. Instead, I ended up exhausted and empty.

  • The map phase has potential.

When I posted on Google Plus about running the Anthology, Eppy sent me the rules for (parts of?) a new phase called the Chronicler Phase. I wanted to have a map as a touchstone for our Rogues and this phase promised to create one. It essentially works as a Rogues phase, but instead of demands about other players’ Rogues, you make demands about the map. “Draw for us the walking castle of Count Oglethorpe.” “Tell us of the burial practices of the Sky Wardens.” “Define for us the sigil to warn traveller’s of sorcerous routes.”

The phase created a very fruitful map for us that directly influenced our Rogue creation as well as our Tale. However, given how new the players were to Swords, it was a bit of heavy lifting right there at the beginning, especially as the Chronicler Phase has Stymies, Mysteries and Morals that don’t function exactly the same as in the other Phases. Still, I found this a useful procedure and was glad to have it.

  • Both our tales and our tome were compelling.

Despite our difficulties, the big experiment of the Anthology was a success. Each individual session had a (more or less) satisfying tale, and there was an overall arc to all the tales that would make a decent novel.

In session one, we had a griffin Rogue, who had come West to see what was happening to his people’s disappearing eggs. Turns out they were being ground up and snorted for their narcotic properties. That must have been an awkward report to the griffin kings.

In session two, a party went East to griffin lands to patch things over with the griffins. Instead, they poisoned one of the triumvirate of kings and set the two great species on the brink of war.

In session three, another party went East as an advance party for an assault and ended up meeting with all three griffin kings (deceased included), before the purest-hearted of them got a seat on the griffin council and held hostilities at bay… for now.

  • So would I do it all again?

I learned a lot from this experiment: both about myself, and about the game. But ultimately, no, I would not do it again. At least not at a convention where scheduling practices could cause me to have to teach the game so repeatedly. Swords is not simple to pick up, and the process of teaching it over and over left me limp. However, I would certainly run Swords as a campaign given the right group of players. And, you know, given time to recuperate from this experiment!


By Keith Stetson December 9, 2017
After the success of its Kickstarter, I've moved Seco Creek Vigilance Committee over to Pledge Manager. Even if you missed the crowd funding, you can still get in before the book goes to press. Retail copies will be available after the fact, but they will be limited, so pre-ordering is a good idea if you're afraid of missing the game.
By keithstetson May 8, 2017
I recently got around to reading The Warren by Marshall Miller. The Warren is a Powered by the Apocalypse game based on rabbit fiction like Watership Down. It has some really elegant design. My very favorite bit – and what inspired this post –  is the Compete move. For those who don’t know (and really, […]
By keithstetson February 7, 2017
I have run Epidiah Ravachol‘s sword-and-sorcery masterpiece Swords Without Master dozens of times. Doing so, I’ve developed a very specific way to introduce newcomers to the game. This is how I do it.   Materials Character sheets Eidolons Two obviously differently colored d6, one glum and one jovial Neophyte’s List of Tricks Glum/Jovial indicators Ritual of the […]
By keithstetson November 26, 2016
There is a class of games that is not “fun” to play in the traditional sense (although I imagine we could argue about what that is), but one still gets something out of playing them. The term may not be precise enough, but I will call those games worthwhile. These games do not offer the […]
By keithstetson October 28, 2016
There has been talk on the online roleplaying community (i.e. G+) lately about how we signal that games are to be taken seriously. As creators we want our games to be played and to have this happen we need to get them in the hands and brains of their potential audience. How do we tell […]
By keithstetson February 6, 2016
If you’ve read much of what I’ve written, you probably know that Epidiah Ravachol is one of my favorite game designers and overall people. Furthermore, I am a big fan of the misfit space friends genre of fiction. That’s what makes it strange that it took me so very long to play Vast & Starlit, […]
By keithstetson November 19, 2015
Itras By is one of my favorite roleplaying games in the history of forever.  It does the surreal/absurdist genre perfectly, yet always ends up telling a relatable, human story. I have honed my practice of running Itras By down a fairly concrete set of steps and I thought it would be useful to share it […]
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